An Alarming Way to Save Time and Money.


In addition to saving money on fuel, a key part of heating system automation involves remote connectivity and the ability to see what is happening in your building from anywhere. Building owners and managers who already have an internet Heat-Timer control have experienced this in a number of different ways. That’s thanks to the sensors and email/text alarms available to them 24/7 through their mobile devices via our app, or our user friendly internet portal.

Here’s a brief look at the types of data and information available via Heat-Timer internet controls.

  1.       The ability to monitor daily fuel usage and generate real-time or historical reports that show the building is meeting desired operating temperature targets.
  2.       Wireless Network to communicate with apartment space sensors – Wireless sensors located in resident living space which communicate apartment temperature down to the Heat-Timer control in the boiler room. Heat-Timer control utilizes this information within its heating logic.
  3.   Boiler Feed Meter – Water Meter which tracks the make-up water for the boiler. Will alert if more than a certain amount of gallons are used within 24 hrs. Alert is in real time. Helps detect a potential leak within the piping system.
  4.   Sump Pit Float – Float located in a sump pit that will detect a rise in water level and will send out an email alert in real-time to the appropriate party. Helps detect a potential flood situation within the boiler room.
  5.   Stack Sensor – Will monitor boiler stack temperature. A high stack temperature is an indication that the boiler needs to be serviced.
  6.   Boiler Lockout Alarm – Will send out an email alert in real time if the boiler goes into a lockout state. An important monitoring point which alerts the appropriate individuals that the boiler is down before residents are impacted.
  7.   Boiler Room Entry Sensor (Magnetic Door Sensor) – Notify the appropriate party via email any time someone enters or leaves the boiler room.
  8.   Carbon Monoxide Sensor – Monitor CO levels remotely or receive alarm notification through email or text message when Carbon Monoxide concentration levels reach alarm levels.
  9.   Domestic Hot Water Temperature Sensor- Temperature sensor located on the outlet of the domestic hot water before it goes up to the showers and sinks. This is a vital monitoring point which has a high and low adjustable alarm threshold. If the hot water temperature gets above a certain temperature it will send out an email alarm to the appropriate individuals that there is a potential scald hazard. If the temperature gets too low it will send out an email alarm to the appropriate individuals before the residents are impacted due to a lack of hot water.

A system configured with all or most of these sensors will act as an early warning system for issues that could help avoid major expenses in maintenance. Key to the convenience of most of these elements is that they can be configured as alarms and set to appropriate thresholds by the user. In this way, notifications can occur via email, text, or as alerts on our mobile app, allowing managers to respond before expensive repairs are needed.  These important alerts also notify the appropriate individuals before the residents are impacted!  

Set, Sit Back, and Save

Once these sensors and alarms are configured by your qualified HVAC installer, you will seldom need to adjust or modify them. For most managers, the real time monitoring of their heating operations becomes a no-brainer and they are able to save time and money through automation and early warnings. That’s the Heat-Timer® way.

For more information on Heat-Timer® Platinum Series Controls with internet upgrades call our factory team today.

973 575 4004



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