Wireless Sensors Just Got a Big Upgrade


Heat-Timer© has been selling its Internet Heating Controls into boiler rooms for well over 2 decades now. The newest Internet Controls continue the legacy of energy savings that made Heat-Timer© the leading purveyor of boiler control products in the country.

But we have never been a company to rest on our laurels. Our latest upgrade to our internet controls solves problems of remote control and monitoring through phone and internet, as well as integration of wireless sensors that improve the operational efficiency of our control. With the new sensors reporting temperature movement from strategic locations around your building, you can as much as double the amount of money you save on heating bills in your apartment building every month.

Why do the New Sensors Make Such a Difference In Boiler Control Efficiency?

Many decades ago, Heat-Timer© pioneered the use of “outdoor reset”. With knowledge of outdoor temperature, and an internally wired temperature sensor, our control anticipated the heat loss of your building.  Resulting in using as little fuel as possible while providing maximum, consistent resident comfort.

So how do we improve on that?

For starters, Heat-Timer’s current sensors are completely wireless. This allows us to use more of them placed strategically throughout a large building to monitor temperature. More data points means better ability to analyze thermal loss, control zones and prevent hot and cold spots in the building. We generally recommend 1 sensor for every 4 units (25%) in your building. More comfort, more intelligence, saving you more money on fuel.

Our latest wireless sensors also use a proprietary frequency and ultra-long transmission/ reception hardware that is also ultra low-power. We’ve seen this tech work through a solid 8 floors in a building without a repeater. For most buildings, this makes installation and setup extremely easy.

Our latest incarnation of sensors also uses a low power design. Running on two AA lithium batteries, a sensor can last 12+ years or more before needing to replace the batteries.

If you haven’t explored our BuildingNet (Internet) Upgrade for our controls with our Long Range Wireless sensors then you are literally leaving money in the boiler room.

Upgrade Your Platinum Series Control Today

The very latest wireless sensor technology is available in our BuildingNet upgrade. This upgrade can easily be made in the field on any Platinum Series Controller.

If you have a smaller multi-family building (20 Units or less) then check out our new Genesis Heat-Timer internet control with long range space sensors.

Call Heat-Timer© today to see all that BuildingNet has to offer. Visit https://www.heat-timer.com/

The original blog is posted on - https://www.heat-timer.com/wireless-sensors-just-got-a-big-upgrade/


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