
Showing posts from August, 2023

Wireless Sensors Just Got a Big Upgrade

  Heat-Timer© has been selling its Internet Heating Controls into boiler rooms for well over 2 decades now. The newest Internet Controls continue the legacy of energy savings that made Heat-Timer© the leading purveyor of boiler control products in the country. But we have never been a company to rest on our laurels. Our latest upgrade to our internet controls solves problems of remote control and monitoring through phone and internet, as well as integration of  wireless sensors  that improve the operational efficiency of our control. With the new sensors reporting temperature movement from strategic locations around your building, you can as much as double the amount of money you save on heating bills in your apartment building every month. Why do the New Sensors Make Such a Difference In Boiler Control Efficiency? Many decades ago, Heat-Timer© pioneered the use of “outdoor reset”. With knowledge of outdoor temperature, and an internally wired temperature sensor, ou...