Top 4 Green Trends for Commercial Heating Systems in 2020

The skyrocketing cost of energy, coupled with advanced developments in heating and cooling technology, means that being “green” may refer to the color of money, as much as the environment. The government is involved too, setting and updating energy efficiency standards at both the state and federal level. All these changes conspire to create an ecosystem in 2020 that is more fuel efficient, uses more renewable energy sources, and increases comfort while decreasing energy use overall.

Trend 1 – Smarter Heating System Designs

As more and more older buildings are faced with increasingly challenging comfort and energy usage issues using their aging boilers, they will continue to replace these with newer, high efficiency systems. These new system designs will almost universally include some kind of advanced building energy management system that acts like the conductor of the boiler orchestra. Additionally, using control technology with features like outdoor reset, will insure that these new mechanical rooms provide maximum comfort for minimum cost.

Trend 2 – The Internet of Even More Things

Wireless connectivity will continue to penetrate more of the devices we formerly loved to wire. In the heating world that means that things like room sensors will integrate into old buildings more easily, and they will provide more data than ever before, allowing more sophisticated, predictive algorithms to be developed for heating and hot water control.

Trend 3 – Remote Monitoring

In 2020, modern mechanical rooms will make midnight site visits to turn valves or investigate leaks, a distant memory. Pioneered by Heat-Timer® almost 10 years ago, modern heating control systems like the Heat-Timer Platinum series send alerts and notifications directly to your cell phone through an app designed for this purpose. You can view your boiler operation and energy usage in real-time and all parameters can be adjusted reliably from the comfort of your couch. The apps and intelligence of these wireless systems will only continue to get better in 2020.

Trend 4 – Integrated Building Management Systems

More and more buildings are looking at comprehensive solutions for monitoring and control for everything from your HVAC system, to the lights, sprinklers, and alarm systems. Heat-Timer® foresaw this continuing trend many years ago and created Building NET, and internet communications backbone that allows remote operation of our system. In many installations our system is integrated into a complete building management system using this sophisticated interface allowing our Platinum series control to apply its best-in-class heating management but still allowing the building manager to use a higher level, fully integrated BMS.

The Future for Heating Controls Looks Hot

For commercial building managers, for buildings new or old, your first step into the future really is the application of a wireless, self learning, outdoor reset based control like the Heat-Timer Platinum series.

Call our team today to see what control is right for your application.

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