Types of Domestic Hot Water Valves.

24/7 availability of hot water at the right temperature is a hot button issue for facility managers in the hospitality, education and healthcare industries. To avoid both scalding and bacteria growth, water must be stored at a high temperature, then mixed with just the right amount of cold water before being delivered to the end user. The valves that provide this mixing are the key to reliable and safe, domestic hot water.

Valve Types

There are two types of mixing valves that can properly temper domestic hot water: motorized and thermostatic. Motorized valves use electronic sensors and controls which helps to restore ideal water temperature under peak loads. Thermostatic valves use an internal thermostatic element to control temperature without the need for external power. They both produce a reliable safe supply of domestic hot water. They differ in how they are controlled, and in what features are available to communicate with them remotely.

Motorized Valves

Motorized valves are meant to interface with electronic controls to precisely dial in the supply temperature. These valves can be provided as stand-alone units, or they can be integrated into the building’s heating control system to provide remote monitoring and control capabilities that allow building operators to monitor and adjust their systems without the need to visit the mechanical room.
An example of a robust motorized valve is our Heat-Timer  motorized 3 way mixing valve for  DHW that is controlled electronically by our ETV Platinum Plus Control. Using this combination, installers can easily retrofit underperforming mixing valve implementations with a robustly designed valve/control system combo that yields advanced features:
  1. 2 or 3 way motorized valve operation.
  2. Control panel can be located up to 500 feet away from valve.
  3. Quick response to large changes in demand
  4. Potential to Monitor temperature and alarms remotely through mobile devices
  5. Integration into larger EMS, BMS systems
Installation of the valves and controls can be made easy for the professional by purchasing the ETV in a pre-piped unit to make installation a breeze. The Electronic Tempering Station (ETS) only needs to be connected to hot and cold water and power, avoiding manual connection of the valve and the sensors saving a great deal of installation time. These units are available in all standard valve multiple valve sizes. For more information see our product page on the Electronic Tempering Station (ETS).

Thermostatic Valves

Thermostatic valves are the trusty workhorses of the domestic water mixing valve world. For hospitals and nursing homes they provide the long term steady performance that is needed. What they lack in communication and remote monitoring capability is made up for in simplicity and reliability. They do not require power since they use an internal thermostatic element to control the output temperature to the set-point set via thermostat. These valves are ideal for locations where long term durability and reliability are key, and remote monitoring is not necessary. For more information on Precision Thermostatic Tempering Valves see our product page.

HVAC Professionals Trust Heat-Timer® Valves

For assistance picking the best domestic hot water valve for your facility come to the experts at Heat-Timer®.

Heat-Timer® is dedicated to providing the highest quality domestic hot water valves on the market. Our team of technical experts can help you pick out the right valve for the job, be it a school, retail center or resort. You can rest easy knowing your systems are being reliably controlled for occupant safety and energy savings.

Contact us today and speak to a technician or visit our website at https://www.heat-timer.com


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